Friday, January 6, 2012
sekarang nie byk blog mahupun dalam byk media di malaysia nie duk pakat tunjuk pasal pelajar yang duk mintak 'kebebasan' tuh.. aku pun x faham apa definisi kekebasan dorang nak, masa aku duk blaja dulu xder masalah pon dgn AUKU tuh.. rilek jek.. aku bebas untuk berakademik, bebas untuk belajar dan di 'ajar'.. dan aku duk tgk, kawan-kawan aku byk jugak duk bebas berpolitik, tp secara haramlah.. masa tuh dowang xdelah plak duk mempertikaikan pasal AUKU.. mungkin dowang bodoh lagi kut.. hahahahaha..
Xde pekdah sebenarnya main politik nih.. x kisahlah politik belah mana skali pon.. semua x perlu.. aku masih ingat lagi pesan arwah ayah dulu. "Belajar tinggi-tinggi, xyah pk pasal benda lain.. tumpu perhatian pada pelajaran.. xyah pk pasal politik.. abih blaja nak main politik ikut suka engkau lah.. nak masuk belah mana pon x kisah" itu pesan arwah..
sekarang, aku dah menjadi seorg yg berjaya.. berjaya sebenarnya bergantung kepada definisi diri sendiri, cont0hnya.. seseorg tuh akan rasa berjaya apabila dapat membeli sebuah kereta setelah bekerja selama 3 tahun.. kena ada arah tuju & aim pada tujuan tu.
jadi bila di fikir balik betul apa yg arwah cakap, sekarang aku bebas untuk memilih mana-mana parti yg aku fikirkan sesuai.
berbalik pada tajuk, kenapa aku cakap politik tuh kotor? tiada mana-mana politik di dalam dunia nie suci.. kalau ada cuba cakap kat mana negara atau tempat yg mengamalkan politik yg suci... jadi kalau politik nie kotor, ia tidak sesuai untuk pelajar meng'aspirasikan' politik sebagai satu kebebasan untuk mereka sertai.. pelajar nie mempunyai pemikiran yg singkat dan darah panas.. jadi mudah untuk tersilap langkah.
aku ada terbaca satu ucapan dari ketua sebuah persatuan yang berdemo hari tu.. xmau sebut namanya.. beliau memberi tahu bahawa mahasiswa merupakan pemangkin serta pelapis pemimpin akan datang, kalau di sekat penglibatan di dalam politik takut jadi pemimpin yang x berguna.. kalau x berpartisitasi tidak sosial atau x pandai bergaul.. hurmmm salah persepsi budak ni.. abis pemimpin sekarang ni x berguna ke? dorang xpenah menempuh alam mahasiawa ke?
satu jer soalan, betul ke boleh berjaya mendapatkan sekeping ijazah walau kuat berpolitik? bagilah contoh seorg dari kamu yang mendapat anugerah dekan walau kuat berpolitik.. nanti ada yg ckp, pointer yg tinggi x semestinya menjamin kerja... masalahnya kalau pelajaran alar kadar ade ker org yg nak tawar kamu kerja.. lainlah cita-cita kamu nie nak jd driver lori..
melalui pengalaman aku sendiri yg bergelar mahasiswa yg cuba untuk menjemput politik luar masuk ke dalam kampus adalah teruk.. baik korang duk layan politik dalam kampus dulu.. cuba kuasa politik dalam kampus dulu, tgk mcm mana.. bleh masuk x.. kalau x ble mmg hampeh lah.. kalau di bawa masuk politik luar ke dalam kampus.. kampus akan hancur... tiada lagi rasa takut pelajar pada pelajar lain.. tiada lagi rasa takut serta hormat pelajar pada pensyarah dan tiada lagi rasa takut atau rasa hormat pada pentadbir kampus.. semua akan jadi huru hara..
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Bertuahnya Bumi Malaysia
itu pon betul jugak.. kena tau serba sedikit supaya x dibodoh-bodohkan oleh sesetengah pihak yg cuba memperbodohkan kita.. aku percaya yg setiap kejadian itu ada baik dan buruknya.. setiap apa yang berlaku adalah qada' & qadar tuhan.. tp kena ingat, untuk nak mengubah diri sendiri dan bangsa kita sendiri adalah bermula dari kita.. bukan takdir-Nya sahaja.. kita kenalah berusaha sendiri untuk berjaya..
skang org duk sibuk pasal perhimpunan BERSIH 2.0 tuh.. pada pandangan peribadi akulah, xyah dibuat perhimpunan 2.. kenapa aku kate mcm 2? sbbnya senang saje, mendatangkan huru hara.. mmg le nak buat secara aman.. tp dowang amat yakin 100% ke ia akan aman? adakah perhimpunan ini akan memberi kesan kepada apa yg cuba dibawa tu? rasanya xpun.. sbb pandangan aku ia hanya satu propaganda atau retorik org tertentu untuk merosakkan negara Malaysia nie..
Pada masa tue, banyak peniaga tidak akan berniaga.. jalan akan jem 'gile' akan ada harta rakyat yg akan musnah.. aman mcm mane pon konpem akan ada yg musnah, pasu bunga ke, tong sampah ke.. walau sebiji pasu tetap harta rakyat.. jadi salah siapa? pasal peniaga yg xbleh berniaga hari 2.. mesti ada yg ckp, alah berapa sen sangat untungnya.. tp kena ingat apa hukumnya seseorg itu menyekat rezeki seserg yg lain? tepuk dada tanya selera..
Jalan jem, ntah2 ada emergency.. ada org yg nak meninggal ke, ada yg nak beranak ke.. katakan mika2 tersebut anak beranak kita mcm mane? xpsl2 terberanak dalam kete.. hurmm susah tuh..
ada jugak yg cakap, zaman dolu pon masa nak merdeka buat perhimpunan jugak.. laa.. itu perhimpunan yg mcm mane? ada ke dowang terjerit2 depan umah owang mintak kebenaran? abis penat2 pemimpin negara masa 2 p anta memorandum bukan sebab ke? pemimpin tue duk terpekik2 depan umah owang ngan jalan raya ke? xjugak.. hurmm.. susah manusia nie.. benda yg salah jugak dowang nampak..
aku nampak mcm dowang nie nak sangat Malaysia jadi mcm Mesir.. mmglah rakyat mesir berjaya.. tp apa yg mereka perlu bayar dari perjuangan tersebut? adakah sekarang mereka telah AMAN? rusuhan masih lagi berlaku, kemusnahan masih lagi berterusan.. nak ke kita jadi mcm 2.. akan ada ORANG ketiga yg akan bertindak... tepuk dada tanya diri.. siapa org ketiga tersebut.. sekarang nie pon kita kenalah bersyukur, sekurang-kurangnya kita boleh mencari sesuap nasi untuk diberi makan pada anak dan isteri.. itu lebih syahid... syahid terbesar adalah mengalahkan syaitan yg ada dalam diri kita sebenarnya.. itu yg paling besar..
ntahlah labu.. pikir-pikirkanlah..
Thursday, June 3, 2010
luahan firasat hati di akhir ini....
janganlah engkau ya-Allah membelakangi aku dan membiarkan aku lebih jauh tersesat.. Amin..
mmg kita akan marah bila org memperlakukan seperti itu, dan kita amat terganggu bila ada yg tidak pernah menghargai serta buat kita seperti org bodoh.. pernah ada suatu suara yg berkata "sapa bila kau nak jadi mcm nie?, kau lebih layak dari itu.. dapat ciput saja.. kerja bagai nak rak, ntah apa2 ntah", bila difikir balik betul jugak.. tetapi ntah la..
hari nie mmg aku bengang giler, terlalu yg amat.. semuanya jadi x betul.. xpe la.. mungkin ada hikmah dan ada pengajaran disebaliknya.. kita tunggu sajalah apa yg akan berlaku.. tunggulah perkataan keramat tue.. insya-Allah, selagi aku boleh bersabar, selagi aku ingat Allah, selagi aku sedar diri.. aku akan bertahan.. insya-Allah.. semoga Allah akan melindungi hamba-Nya ini.. aku hanya insan yg kerdil..
people won't see our kindness, but people love to see out hateness.. until then, believe in urself, confront ur innerself.. to them.. there's a rainbow after the rain..
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Pengajaran Tentang Kehidupan
Proses untuk menyiapkan mahakarya itu juga boleh digambarkan sebagai 'kehidupan' ... jika kita berjaya, maka karya tersebut akan cantik, tidak comot atau amat berharga..
kehidupan seharianku penuh dengan idea dan jalan cerita yang amat tepat digambarkan sebagai 'onak & duri'.. seorang pelukis atau penulis, juga kekadang akan 'kehabisan' material untuk melukis atau menulis.. sebagai contohnya..
sedang asyik 'pelukis' sedang melakar karyanya, salah satu dakwat lukisan yg tengah digunakan kehabisan.. apakah yg 'pelukis' perlu lakukan? adakah perlu beliau berhenti melukis? perlukah membeli dakwat yg baru sedangkan, 'peruntukan kewangannya' tiada?... jadi apakah yg perlu dilakukan? jawapannya adalah gunakan sahaja dakwat yg ada asalkan ia memberikan makna lukisan yg kita kehendaki..
bila 'peruntukan kewangan' sudah sampai, bentuk atau tambahlah warna keatasnya supaya ia sempurna.. prosesnya selalu tidak akan berjalan lancar.. mesti ada halangan dan rintangan.. seperti juga kehidupan kita semua.. tidak kiralah kita sebagai seorang anak, seorg suami atau seorg bapa..
sesetgh orang tidak faham.. bila ada sedikit kecacatan pada 'lukisan' tersebut disebabkan kurang warna digunakan.. maka adalah org yg mencela, mengherdik.. itu lumrah.. kekadang 'pembantu' pelukis itu sendiri tidak faham.. 'pembantu' ini hanya tahu ia perlulah sempurna, gunakan segala 'peruntukan kewangan' yg ada.. 'berhutang' saja, asalkan ia nampak cantik.. 'pelukis' sendiri terpaksa berlapar, menghadkan segala keinginannya semata-mata ia menjadi sebagai karya yg agung..
susahkan perjalanan kehidupan kita nie.. ada sahaja onarnya..
sesungguhnya terlalu banyak masalah yg aku lalui.. biarlah kalau ada mata2 yg nakal mahu membaca.. blog nie pon xramai yg tahu.. terlalu banyak masalah.. xperlah, ini salah satu dugaan kan? dah la tiada siapa yg sudi mahu berkongsi masalah tersebut.. nasib baiklah ada Nur Atiya Safiya.. dialah pengubat hatiku.. bila balik, lihat gelak ketawanya, senyummannya, lagak gerinya cukup untuk menghilangkan kepenatan dan masalah yg bersarang..
aku mengidap sejenis penyakit yg xla mengurangkan jangka hayat hidup.. tetapi penyakit nie mengganggu masa tidurku.. Sleep Apnea namanya.. secara lahiriah, kita seperti tidur, tetapi hakikatnya tidak.. cuma mata yg tertutup tetapi hakikatnya aku tidak tidur.. itu kata doktorlah.. susah jugak.. jadi maksudnya aku xpernah tidurlah yek.. x jugak, sebenarnya.. contohnya.. kalau tidurku selama 10 jam sekalipun, yg sebenarnya 5 atau 6 jam sahaja.. tp xkanlah sampai 10 jam kan.. kalau mengikut doktor plak..
jangka masa tidur sebenar seorang dewasa adalah tidak tentu berdasarkan, cara hidupnya, ubat yg dimakan, umur dan biologi diri seseorg tersebut.. so kita ada jam biologi kita sendiri, dan jam biologi itulah yg menentukan segalanya..
letih 2 mmg ada, tapi apakan daya.. orang da cop diriku.. semua org letih, tapi janganlah menunjuk sangat.. kita ada kewajipan didalam hidup bila kita dikelilingi orang, tanggugjawab pada isteri, tanggugjawab pada suami, tanggungjawab pada anak, pada ibu dan bapa.. jadi jagalah tanggungjawab tersebut.. kekadang aku penat sangat.. kekadang aku serabut bila balik ke rumah.. kekadang aku benci dengan diri sendiri.. adakah aku pentingkan diri sendiri? perlukan orang lain melayan kerenahku.. perlu sentiasa mengembirakan aku? ntahlah...
sekarang masalah duit plak.. mcm mana yerk nak menambahkan pendapatan.. byk benda kena beli ni.. aku rasa, kurangkan perbelanjaan aku kot.. rasanya tahun nie untuk aku xpayahlah beli baju raya.. anak & bini beli la kot.. xper la aku xder baju raya.. banyak dah baju aku punya..
kena cari 2nd job nih, sampai skang xder lagi.. nak bayar keto, api, belanja rumah, susu anak.. pampers anak.. 2 baru bahagian anak... hurmmm.. ntah la labu..
ape pon itulah pelajaran tentang kehidupan
moga, ALLAH akan memakbulkan permintaan hambanya ... insya-Allah
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
~wHaT a fRiEnD fOr~
Sooner or Later,
A heart would fall....
Later or sooner,
It knocked your door, and one..
Heart would fall,
Am i rite?..
When it does...
Bernt prays' always wit you..
Even the denses storm came,
Right there beside you,
Not asking for a diamond rings,
Those just "what a good friend for".....
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Makhluk Asing
"Kao dah siap barang barang untuk kiter pibumi?" tanyer komander pader rakannyer.
"Sudah tuan... .sumer suah ready... .tinggal nakland je" jawab sorang lagik.
"Ok bagus... cumer tinggal satu lagik yg kiter nak kener bereskan sebelom mendarat " balas komander alien tu.
"Oh ye ke? Aper tu tuan?"
"Kiter kener turun menyerupai makhlukbumi... ..takkan kiter nak turun dgn ruper kitercamnie... .nanti makhluk bumi tu mesti tangkap dan buno kiter" jawab komander alien tu.
"Tapi tuan camner kiter nak menyerupai diorang paderhal kiter tak pernah nampak diorang?" tanyersorang tu lagik.
"Ah yg tu kao jgn bimbang... kiter land secara senyap senyap, pastu kiter sembunyik kat one corner,kiter tunggu makhluk diorang keluar, pastu on the spot kiter copy dan menyerupai diorang lah" jelas komander.
"Wah bagus tu cadangan tuan, amat bernassekali usulan itu" Mereka pun terus mendarat ke satu kawasan tanaman padi... dgn senyap senyap mereka kuar dari spaceship dan sembunyik di belakang semak. Tak lamer kemudian mereka pun ternampak dua makhluk bumi dihujung sawah.
Dengan menggunerkan teknologi terkinimereka pun menyerupai dua makhluk bumi .Mereka keluar dari tempat persembunyian dan berjalan kearah duapenduduk bumi yg sedang bekerja. Kerana bentuk tubuhbadan mereka yg samer, penduduk bumi itu tidak sedikitpun meraser hairan dgn kehadiran mereka. Mereka bersuara konon konon bertanyer arah jalan, tapi tidakdilayan.
Tiba tiba... mereka terdengar bunyik riuh dibelakang , mereka pun toleh dan nampak sekumpulan makhluk bumi yg lain sedang berlari ke arah mereka. Sementara itu makhluk bumi yg dua nie terus menghilangkan diri.
"Ah cepat... cepat... ..jgn kasi dia lari!!!!!"seorang daripader makhluk bumi itu meneriak paderrakan rakannyer.
Kedua dua makhluk asing ini tercegat... .mereka tidak tahu aper yg telah terjadi.
"Ahhhhh dapat jugak!... kalao korang sumer nak tahu inilah dua ekor biawak yg asek makan anak ayam aku... .ok kiter bawak ke kampung... kiter tambat dia kat depan simpang prt hj rais."
Pak Salleh memberitahu orang orang kampung sambil mengikat leher kedua dua makhluk asing yg blur.
sekian... poyo gile cite nie...
moral of the story.... kalau dah tak tau tuh jgn arrrr duk copy org lain.... kan dah kantoi... ihihihihih....
Tertulis disitu "Catrina...kesepian & perlukan sahabat". Tergerak hati jejaka untuk mengutus surat kepada si gadis. Setelah pulang ke rumah, jejaka itu menulis surat untuk memberitahu niat ingin berkawan dengan gadis itu. Beberapa hari kemudian si jejaka mendapat balasan daripada gadis bahawa dia juga bersetuju untuk berkawan dengan si jejaka. Hari betukar minggu dan minggu bertukar bulan.
Persahabatan mula bertukar kepada perasaan sayang. Namun begitu masing-masing masih belum bertemu. Si jejaka ingin sekali bertemu si gadis dan begitu juga dengan si gadis. Walaupun kedua-keduanya masih belum melihat rupa masing-masing, tapi perasaan sayang tetap berbuku di hati. Sehingga suatu hari, si jejaka dipanggil oleh bala tentera untuk pergi ke medan perang. Si jejaka amat susah hati kerana dia takut sekiranya dia tidak akan mungkin bertemu dengan si gadis.
Maka diutuskannya surat berbunyi "kalau Tuhan panjangkan jodoh kita, dan kamu masih sayang padaku, kita berjumpalah di stesen keretapi di bandar kamu pada hari perang diumumkan tamat nanti. Aku akan memakai pakaian tenteraku dan membawa sekuntum mawar berwarna merah. Aku akan mengenali kamu sekiranya kamu juga memegang bunga mawar merah. Setelah itu izikanlah aku membawa mu makan malam dan bertemu orang tuaku."
Maka pergi lah jejaka ke medan perang setelah mengutuskan surat itu... Beberapa bulan kemudian... Pada hari pengumuman perang tamat, si jejaka pergi ke stesen keretapi di bandar tempat si gadis tinggal sambil memegang bunga di tangan. Dilihatnya seorang demi seorang gadis yang lalu sekiranya dia turut memegang bunga.
Tiba-tiba.. si jejaka ternampak seorang gadis yang agak berisi dan duduk di kerusi roda sambil melihat sekeliling. Kakinya kudung dan tangannya cacat sebelah... sebelah lagi tangannya memegang sekuntum bunga mawar berwarna merah... Si jejaka agak terkejut tetapi dia memberanikan diri menghampiri si gadis.
"Catrina?" Gadis itu melihat ke arah si jejaka dan tersenyum.
Si jejaka terus menghulurkan bunga mawar kepada si gadis dan berkata "aku amat merinduimu. Terimalah bunga ini dan pelawaan ku untuk makan malam. Orang tuaku tidak sabar untuk bertemu denganmu.."
sambil kemudian mencium tangannya. Si gadis itu terus bersuara.."aku tidak tahu apa yang terjadi. Tapi ada seorang gadis cantik memberikan bunga ini kepadaku sebentar tadi. Dia menyuruhku memberitahu kamu bahawa di sedang menunggu kamu di restoran dekat stesen ini sekiranya kamu mempelawaku makan malam dan bertemu orang tuamu....."
Berapa ramaikah manusia yang sesuci hati jejaka ini? Dia melihat kepada hati dan bukan kepada rupa.. dia telah mengotakan janji nya dan tetap berpegang kepada perasaan sayang walaupun pada mulanya dia menjangkakan gadis cacat itu adalah Catrina... Sesungguhnya semua manusia harus> berfikir seperti dia...
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
komen aku di laman tc...
itu bukan praktikal namanya... itu namanya bosan dengan kehidupan... takut untuk berdepan dengan masalah dan takut di kecewakan.. sorryla kalu pendapat saya kasar bunyinya...
do i have look like no jobs? how much i own yearly? how much i know people? how many VVIP i knows (betul ke ni :o :-?) ? tunggang langgang? tiada arah tuju? dan tiada pegangan hidup? manala awk tau kan... well welcome to UOL (University Of Life) anda baru jek nak kenal tempat tu... high expectation, betul.. pompuan mana nak kawin ngan lelaki tiada RM.... betul tue..
kehidupan sekarang semuanya RM.... jangan sampai jumpa pompuan yg nak RM jek... huhuhuhu... satu badan hangin....
saya faham msj anda... amat faham.. cuma anda kena ingat, semua org bukan mcm anda.. live with the fullest... yes thats rite.. tak berkahwin tak fullest lg cik abg ooi... walhal nak menjadi imam pon kena aada isteri lebih afdal... dalam islam pon da ckp mcm tue..
tiada perkataan sempurna dalam hidup nie... tiada kesempurnaan... sbb tue dalam islam ada wasatiah.. bila seseorg tuh da sampai kethp mahu mempunyai pasangan yg sah, tak boleh halang tue.. bile semua da ada.. jatuh hukum wajib....
perempuan yg baik tak akan terhegeh dtg melukut di lutut kita.. walau kita da amat berjaya dan byk duit.. yg datang melukut hanya pompuan....... phm2 je la yer...
lelaki mmg terkenal dgn ego... saya pon ada... tp jgn terlebih2 ego.. mmg pompuan x phm ego kita... dowang pon xnak paham... cuma dowang nie nakkan perhatian... lelaki xbole ego sangat.. pompuan mmg tak suka.. kita sbg lelaki kena jugak buang ego tuh... tuhan pon tak suka kita terlalu ego...
(keras kepala + keras hati) / perasaan besar diri = ego..
manusia sekeliling jugak tak suka manusia yg ego... percaya tak.. sbb susah untuk berbicara dan susah bercakap dengannya... kita akan disisih.. bg saya.. harga diri adalah tau menjadikan diri kita disukai ramai dan tegas dalam apa2 keputusan yg bijak... harga diri bukan ego... sy amat mementingkan harga diri juga.. sy percaya org lain jugak.. tp sy takleh nak kata ape yg awak kata ego awk adalah harga diri.. its ur own choice and ur own decision.. but think twice..
saya tak pernah menjadikan ianya sesuatu yg amat besar dalam hidup... saya masih boleh bekerja, berkarya, berkawan dan sebagainya.. ia cuma salah satu intipati daripada masalah2 lain lagi.. takkan kat sini pon sy nak cerita juga psl masalah lain.. biarla bertempat.. setiap org ada masalah lain selain cinta... disini kita cuma bercerita pasal masalah cinta... dimana cinta?
anda asyik bercerita pasal kualiti diri dan karisma... apa ukuran atau tahap yg menjadikan kita seorg yg berkualiti? atau ada alat untuk mengukurnya? mesti jawapanya tiada kan... dan tiada jugak ukuran atau tahapnya.. hanya org lain yg boleh menilai kita... saya rasalah jawapan awk...
Thursday, May 24, 2007
One day he took his question to his mother, who became rather flustered. Instead of explaining things to Johnny, she told him to hide behind the curtains one night and watch his older sister and her boyfriend.This he did.
The following morning, Johnny described EVERYTHING to his mother. "Sis and her boyfriend sat and talked for a while, then he turned off most of the lights.Then he started kissing and hugging her. I figured 'Sis must be getting sick, because her face started looking funny. He must have thought so too, because he put his hand inside her blouse to feel her heart,just the way the doctor would. Except he's not as smart as the doctor because he seemed to have trouble finding her heart. I guess he was getting sick too, because pretty soon both of them started panting and getting all out of breath. His other hand must have been cold because he put it under her skirt.
About this time 'Sis got worse and began to moan and sigh and squirm around and slide down toward the end of the couch. This was when her fever started. I knew it was a fever, because Sis told him she felt really hot. Finally, I found out what was making them so sick......-a big eel had gotten inside his pants somehow. It just jumped out of his pants and stood there, about 10 inches long, honest, anyway he grabbed it in one hand to keep it from getting away. When Sis saw it, she got really scared-her eyes got big, and her mouth fell open, and she started calling out to God and stuff like that. She said it was the biggest one she's ever seen; I should tell her about the ones down at the lakeby our house! Anyway, Sis got brave and tried to kill the eel by biting its head off.
All of a sudden she grabbed it with both hands and held it tight while he took a muzzle out of his pocket and slipped it over the eel's head to keep it from biting again. Sis lay back and spread her legs so she could get a scissor-lock on it and he helped by lying on top of the eel. The eel put up a hell of a fight. Sis started groaning and squealing and her boyfriend almost upset the couch. I guess they wanted to kill the eel by squashing it between them. After a while they both quit moving and gave a great sigh. Her boyfriend got up, and sure enough, they killed the eel. I knew because it just hung there, limp, and some of its insides were hanging out. Sis and her boyfriend were a little tired from the battle, but they went back to courting anyway. He started hugging and kissing her again. By golly, the eel wasn't dead! It jumped straight up and started to fight again. I guess eels are like cats- they have nine lives or something.
This time, Sis jumped up and tried to kill it by sitting on it. After about a 35 minute they finally killed the eel. I knew it was dead, because I saw Sis's boyfriend peel its skin off and flush it down the toilet.
Friday, February 9, 2007
Does Your Life Need Fixing?
No matter how "out-of-whack" your life seems to be, it can be fixed so that it is
functional again. I firmly believe that. Just as a broken-down car can be made roadworthy again, so your life can be made to work again.
Simple Guidelines
As with any other kind of repairs, there are some simple rules:
1. Take full responsibility. Don't waste time blaming other people for the mess your life is in. Decide right now: Are you only the victim of other people, and of some strange power they have over your life? Or do you have the ability to make your own choices and take action?.
2. In taking responsibility, don't waste time blaming yourself and listing all the wrong choices you've ever made. Every living creature makes mistakes and wrong choices. Sometimes we simply act out of ignorance, not understanding the full impact our actions will have on others — and on our own future. Sometimes we do know right from wrong, and choose to do the wrong thing anyway. Welcome to the human race. To make wrong choices along the way is human.
3. Understand the power of ideas, words, choices, and actions. What you think about people, about yourself, and about life makes a big difference. People often succeed in life not according to how much money or power they have, but because of how they see themselves and the world. Many "rich" people "assume" that they will succeed, and so they often do. And whenever they fail, they become determined (they get mad) and try again, because they refuse to accept ultimate failure as an option. Many "poor" people give up right away when they experience small failures along the way, because they assume they're going to fail anyway. On the other hand, many, many, many folks who were born and raised as "poor people" achieve great
things and become very, very successful. Why? Because they refused to see themselves as ultimate failures.
4. Any repair involves creative problem-solving: the kind that every human being is born with. What sets us apart from all the other species of life on earth is our ability to keep working at a problem until we finally figure it out. We're not the only intelligent species. Many other creatures exhibit the ability to learn and even solve problems. But we are the best at the task. Creative problem-solving is what we're famous for.(Just ask us.) And that's a good thing, because we often make a mess of things first,and then we have to figure out how to correct the problems we created.
5. The goal is to solve the problem, not to simply say that we tried (and failed). Fixing anything involves effort. When we get an idea of how to fix this or that, we must then act on it to see if it works. Until we take action, until we put forth the effort needed, nothing gets fixed. Every problem waits for us to apply the solution. If our first ideas don't work, then we need to adjust our ideas, based on what we learned in earlier attempts, and try a new approach.
6. Every problem has at least one truly good solution. Every failed attempt at finding a good solution is worthwhile if we gain more understanding of the problem. Every life can be made to work better as long as we're still breathing and willing to make the repairs. The fact that you may have failed, so far, in working things out does not mean that you will continue to fail. You are closer to finding the answer now than you have ever been.
7. If a thing (anything, at all) is worth doing, then it is worth doing — so do it. Every goal that makes things better is worth reaching. The very best goals are those which benefit everyone, or at least those around you. But even if it seems that only one life is made whole again by reaching your goal, and even if that one life is yours, then the goal is worth every effort put into it. Repairing a human life is the best goal of all.
8. Every day spent on reaching the goal of fixing your life is a good day, a day well spent. Some days may show little or no discernable progress. That doesn't matter, so long as the day was spent doing what must be done to reach the goal. If all you do today is dig a ditch, or haul garbage to the dump, or build a fence, or wash dishes, or mop floors, then the day is a great day so long as that work is helping to bring you closer to the goal of getting your life back in shape.
9. Keep a written record or scrapbook of your progress. If you can't write, then draw a simple picture of every step you take in reaching your goal. Record every success. Make a journal that you can go over when things get you down. And things will get you down, now and then. So prepare now for the days when things seem to be going backwards. There are days when it's hard to tell if we are doing the right thing or not. Everyone faces days like that. But if you're still working at making your life whole again, then you're still on the right track.
10. Grasp the importance of joy, honest celebration, and real gratitude. Joy and celebration do not come in a bottle, in a pouch, or in a pill. Real joy is far superior to the artificial high offered by alcohol, stimulants or drugs. Real celebration comes when a person learns to recognize the good things in life. Gratitude for good things is an important part of any meaningful life. When repairing a car, one does not rip out all the parts that work properly. In our lives, we must acknowledge what is good and right in order to properly single out things that need fixing. Be thankful. Celebrate your victories, even when they seem small. Allow joy to overcome discouragements and delusions of failure.
Allow Others to Misunderstand
Life is complex and most of us have lives that are interwoven with many others. Don’t be discouraged, shocked or upset when family or friends seem to reject the efforts you put into fixing your life. Some people may feel threatened by the improvements you're making. If they've given up all hope, for example, in repairing their own lives, they won't want anyone else to “show them up” or make them feel guilty for not trying. Even successful people are sometimes made jealous by the success of others (as though you must stay down in order for them to stay on top).
And to be fair, people may not know they can believe you this time, if you've promised before to do better. Be prepared for mixed reactions.
Most people simply don’t understand when they see someone making big changes in their lives. And some folks just find it hard to believe anything truly “good” can ever happen to anyone they know. This is common to human nature. It means nothing at all, except that you may not find much encouragement from those you know and care about.
Be patient with them. They will usually begin to come around once they see lasting changes in your life. Those who may seem to be against you at first often become your biggest cheering section later on. Give it time. After all, no one is perfect.
Placing Things In Perspective
Every human life is important. There are good things in this world that only you can do, and right things that only you can accomplish. The world needs your success. For example, other people will be inspired when they see you turning things around in your life. But the biggest and most important reason for positive change in your life is you. Do it for yourself.
No matter who or what seems to stand against you, keep going. It may truly seem at times that God Himself is against you. But God never stops anyone from making things right in their hearts, minds and lives. Don’t allow frustrations, small (or even big) disappointments, economics, or anything else to keep you from going forward. Choose each day to do the right thing, no matter what life seems to throw at you.
by:Jim Sutton
Remember the Acorn
become an oak. It has never been to
school or told by the other seeds how a
seedling develops into an oak tree. That
acorn could never so much as describe an
oak, even if it should somehow talk. But
deep inside the acorn's heart is something
powerful — something that presses
forward and ever upward. When placed in
the proper surroundings, the acorn will
literally burst open, unable to contain all
the potential that lives deep in its heart. As
the acorn continues to follow the design
already inside, it continues to grow and
become stronger. Soon it's a sapling
instead of a mere seed. Then it grows
taller, but is still just a slender tree. But
one day, it finally becomes what was deep
inside of it all along: a stout and mighty
oak. It's true that some acorns get a later
start than others. Some will wait for many
seasons before they finally begin to grow.
But even a late start cannot hinder the
perfect design and purpose placed inside
every acorn by God Himself.
— Jim Sutton
What is Happy, Anyway?
many difficulties we face. Most of us
understand that, somewhere deep inside.
But anyone can get off track, from time to
time. For example, if we can't have what
we want (whatever that may be) then we
sometimes lose sight of reality, the bigger
picture, focusing only on the one sparkly
trinket we can't seem to get hold of.
It's good in all such cases to step back,
take a big breath, and shake out our
thoughts until reality can be once again
clearly seen.
Are you all bent out of shape with some
object of desire you can't seem to reach?
Why not take some time off from the
chase? Why not go out and take a long
walk? Buy yourself a giant puzzle, adopt a
dog, or buy a bicycle. Take up a new
learning challenge. Do something really
nice for someone you don't really like —
better yet for someone you don't even
know, for someone who can never pay you
Doing these things may not make you
happy. But that's not the point. The point is
much simpler than that. The point, my
friend, is to get on with life. Don't lose
sight of the great gifts God has already
given you. The world around you is filled
with great and endless opportunities for
life. Why not drink deeply while you can?
— Jim Sutton
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Women Do THIS Better Than Men
The gender difference was not extraordinarily great, but it did show that women are superior to men in interpersonal sensitivity, concluded Terrence Horgan, lead study author and a research fellow in psychology at OSU. "Women have an advantage when it comes to remembering things like the physical features, clothing, and postures of other people," he told Science Daily. "This advantage might be due to women being slightly more people-oriented than men are."
The study also found that both men and women did better at remembering the appearance of women than they did remembering how men looked.
The five studies: In two of the five studies, college students were asked to view videotapes and slides of people talking about themselves or interacting with others. The participants were told in advance that they would be questioned about the people they viewed. They were asked to recall specific details about the people they had seen, including eye color, jewelry, the pattern of a sweater, and if a person had his or her arms crossed. In the other three studies, the participants interacted with each other instead of viewing slides and were not told in advance how they would be tested.
The results: In four of the five studies, women were more accurate than men in describing their partners. (In the fifth study, men and women came out equal in their appearance memory.) In addition, participants of both genders were more accurate in their descriptions when their partners were women than when the partners were men, reports Science Daily. Horgan speculates that women are more memorable because their hair, clothing styles, and jewelry are more varied than that of men.
Why do women have a superior appearance memory? "We really don't know for sure why women have an advantage at remembering how others look," Horgan admitted. "But these results go along with studies that show women are better than men in other areas having to do with interpersonal sensitivity."
What are the real-world implications? "We use appearance cues to categorize individuals, to help us understand them," explained Horgan. "This helps us to interact better with others. Focusing on others' appearance is an important part of our everyday interactions," he said.
The study findings were published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology B
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Here are a few reasons why guys like girls:
- They will always smell good even if its just shampoo.
- The way their heads always find the right spot on our shoulder.
- How cute they look when they sleep.
- The ease in which they fit into our arms.
- The way they kiss you and all of a sudden everything is right in the world.
- How cute they are when they eat.
- The way they take hours to get dressed but in the end it makes it all worth while.
- Because they are always warm even when its minus 30 outside.
- The way they look good no matter what they wear.
- The way they fish for compliments even though you both know that you think she's the most beautiful thing on this earth.
- How cute they are when they argue.
- The way her hand always finds yours.
- The way they smile.
- The way you feel when you see their name on the call ID after you just had a big fight
- The way she says "lets not fight anymore" even though you know that an hour later....
- The way they kiss when you do something nice for them.
- The way they kiss you when you say "I love you".
- Actually ... just the way they kiss you...
- The way they fall into your arms when they cry.
- Then the way they apologize for crying over something that silly.
- The way they hit you and expect it to hurt 22. Then the way they apologize when it does hurt. (even though we don't admit it)!
- The way they say "I miss you".
- The way you miss them.
- The way their tears make you want to change the world so that it doesn't hurt her anymore..... Yet regardless if you love them, hate them, wish they would die or know that you would die without them ... it matters not. Because once in your life, whatever they were to the world they become everything to you. When you look them in the eyes, traveling to the depths of their souls and you say a million things without trace of a sound, you know that your own life is inevitable consumed within the rhythmic beatings of her very heart. We love them for a million reasons, No paper would do it justice. It is a thing not of the mind but of the heart.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
David Gray lyrics
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Kisah ini adalah berkenaan Orang Sakit Mental di Hospital Bahagia Tanjung Rambutan.Ahmad telah menjalani rawatan hampir 5 tahun di Hospital Bahagia. Dan melalui pemeriksaan yang dijalankan menunjukkan Ahmad dah makin pulih. Dan Dr buat keputusan untuk benarkan Ahmad pulang. Ahmad dipanggil untuk pemeriksaan terakhir. "Ahmad saya nak tanya satu soalan sebelum saya benarkan Ahmad pulang. Kalau Ahmad jawab eluk saya benarkan Ahmad pulang..
kalau tidak Ahmad akan tunggu sini sedikit masa lagi" Terang Doktor pada Ahmad. "Baik Doktor Ahmad sedia menjawab" jawab Ahmad dengan tenang. Doktor mengambil Lampu suluh dan menyalakannya..dan dihalakan ke dinding..(cahaya lampu tersebut berbentuk bulat didinding bilik Doktor).
"Awak nampak cahaya tu" tanya Doktor
"Nampak Doktor" jawab Ahmad tersenyum.
"Awak panjat dan tangkap cahaya tu Ahmad" arah Doktor tu pada Ahmad.
"Kat Dinding tu?" tanya Ahmad tersenyum.
"Ye laaa" jawab Doktor.
"Hi hi hi saya tak gila lah Doktor......tak nak lah saya buat.." jawab Ahmad
"mm..oklah Ahmad..awak dibebaskan hari ini...awak lulus ujian saya.."Doktor berpuas hati. Ahmad pun keluar dengan bag nya diiringi oleh pembantu kesihatan ke pintu gate.
"Tunggu tunggu Ahmad" Doktor memanggil balik Ahmad.
"Kenapa Ahmad tak nak panjat dinding tu Ahmad?" tanya Doktor tu sebagai soalan terakhir.
"Hi hi hi...Doktor ingat saya bodoh ker Doktor.....kalau saya panjat.....saya pegang cahaya tu....Doktor tutup lampu suluh tu nanti..tentu saya akan terjatuh..."jawab Ahmad selamba
"mm..Ahmad tidur sini setahun lagi lah yer Ahmad" kata Doktor pada Ahmad.
"Baik nya doktor....." sukanya hati Ahmad.
Aku mengikuti latihan induksi sebulan di Tg Rambutan sebelum masuk bekerja di Hospital. Aku suka berjogging didalam kawasan Tg Rambutan yang segar dan luas itu. Aku suka memerhati perangai Orang gila yang di biarkan merayau di sekitar dalam kawasan tersebut. Biasanya yang dibiarkan keluar dah pandai bedikari.
Aku perhatikan satu pesakit sedang mengutip buah rambutan dibawah pokok rambutan yang rendang dan lebat buahnya.
Aku tegurnya..."Kenapa Abang kutip buah yang kat bawah tu..kan ada lagi buah kat atas pokok tu..."
"Doktor ulang lagi sekali pertanyaan Doktor tu" tanya pesakit tersebut sambil memasukkan buah rambutan yang dikutip.
Aku pun ulangkan lagi.." kenapa kutip buah tu......kan kat atas pokok banyak lagi"
"Apa lah doktor ni..kalau atas pokok kita kena kait dengan galah bukan boleh kutip...kat bawah bolehlah kutip.."selambanya dia jawab kat aku.
Aku terpinga pinga.....malupun ada jugak Dia datang dekat aku...."minta 20 sen!!"
Ku pun hulurkan RM 1 dengan ikhlas. "Ngaji jer pandai...seringgit dengan 20 sen pun tak kenal....kait dengan kutip pun tak tahu....Doktor jadi macam saya ni..makan pun free kat sini..tak payah ngaji pun..." leter pesakit sambil berlalu setelah ambik duit aku.
Ahazzzz...terkena aku ngan pesakit tu....
Friday, January 5, 2007
Photos that touched our hearts (or should have)
Photo 5:
Photo 6: Mothers’Love Mothers and their child. This is life…
Photo 8:
Photo 9: Democracy and The Legal System
We must admit that there are people still living within the blind spot of our society. What if you were one of them?
(The title of the magazine: Democracy and the Legal System)
Photo 10: The Meaning of Love
No rose, no diamond ring, but if this is not love, what is love?
With enthusiasm, love your life! Love the people around you!
Saturday, December 9, 2006
“So many times,
I thought I hold it in my hand,
But just like grains of sands
Love slips through my fingers
So many nights,
I ask the lord above,
Pls make me lucky enough,
To find the love that lingers,
Something keeps telling me,
That you could be my answer prayer,
U must be heaven’s sent,
I swear….”
If you don’t, you are not a man
If you praise her, she thinks you are lying
If you agree with all her likes, she is abusing
If you don’t, you are not understanding
If you make romance, you an ‘experience’ man
If you don’t you are half a man
If you visit her too often, she thinks it’s boring
If you don’t, she accuses you of double-crossing
If you well dressed, she says you are a playboy
If you don’t you are a dull boy
If you are jealous, she says it’s bad
If you don’t, she thinks you do not love her
If you attempt a romance, she says you didn’t respect her
If you don’t, she thinks you do not love her
If you are a minute late, she complains it’s hard to wait
If she is late, she says that it’s a girl’s way
If you visit another, she accuses you of being a feel
If she visited by another, “oh it’s natural, we are girls”
If you kiss her once too many, she yells that you’re taking advantage
If you fail to help her in crossing a street, you lack ethics
If you do, she thinks it’s just one of the man’s ethics
If you stare at by another, she accuses you of flirting
If she is stared at by another, she says that they are just admiring
If you talk, she wants you to listen
If you listen, she wants you to talk
Oh god, you created those creature called women
So simple, yet so complex
So weak, yet so powerful,
Valentine Girl's
That could equal to the sparkle in your eyes,
This heart is only one way,
To let you know just how I feel,
Will you be my valentine girl?
And gave you my heart forever,
Be my valentine girl,
And I won’t let you go no never,
Although a flower I see,
Could never take the place of being there,
Although we’re only just met,
You’re everything to me,
Will you be my valentine girl.
by: bernt